What causes stress? How to manage it? by Dr. Shraddha Bhandari

शब्द एक्स्प्रेस संवाददाता
बिहिबार १९ फाल्गुण, २०७८
३ वर्षअघि

Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different situations or life event causes stress. What is more stressful for one person may not be stressful for others. Stress varies from person to person depending upon personality, perception, and response.

Stress response

– High level of stress can result in physical symptoms like headache, loss of appetite, lump in the throat, Heavy chest, tight muscles, back pain, upset stomach, neck and shoulder pain, etc.
– Tiredness, Inability to focus, easily getting angry, difficulty in sleeping, change in eating habits, sadness or guilt, not being able to sit still, worry are some of the Behavior and Emotional responses to stress.

Causes of stress at home
– Poor relationship with in-laws, husband
– Family dispute
– House loans
– Spouse staying abroad
– Family Income
– Difficulty in handling children
– Abuse

Stress in Organization

People in organizations become under stress due to various reasons. Different people experience and handle work-related stress differently. Some people are more distressed by a particular situation than others.

Causes of Work-Related Stress

– Work culture and practices
– Poor relationship with superiors, subordinates, and peers
– Poor work-life balance
– Organizational structure
– Managerial confusions
– Tight deadlines
– Resource constraints

Stress is not normal if:
– You cannot keep yourself calm mostly
– You are sad most of the time
– If we lose our drive to move on
– If it hampers your day-to-day activities
– Too much stress can lead to multiple mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, etc.

Stress management

Stress management refers to reducing negative stress and providing positive feelings of being in control of one’s life and promoting general well-being. One should engage in self-care activities to manage stress.

It can be managed by adopting a healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise, deep breathing, relaxation techniques, yoga, adequate sleep, rest. Making time for yourself and your family, recreation, having some hobbies like singing, cooking, gardening, etc, keeping yourself busy in creative activities like painting, craft, etc is also important. Playing with pets, celebrating milestones, spending time with children, sharing feelings with family can also help.

Besides this, One can manage stress by dealing with problems or difficulties, believing that it is okay to be feeling these things. Apart from this, Family and friends should listen, pay attention to what they are being told, acknowledge, validate and empathize with their feelings.

When someone is distressed despite adequate self–care, has sleep & appetite disturbances, uncontrolled use of alcohol/drugs, persistently sad, unusual behaviors like talking or smiling to self, significant deterioration in socio-occupational functioning, has suicidal ideas and self-harming behaviors, violent or aggressive behavior, or is diagnosed with depression or anxiety, it’s better to seek medical help.

Dr. Shraddha Bhandari is Neuropsychiatrist at B & C Hospital, Jhapa


प्रकाशित समय: बिहिबार १९ फाल्गुण, २०७८, १२:३३:४९
अर्जेन्टिनालाई हराउँदै ब्राजिलले जित्यो विश्वकप !
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
बार्सिलोनाको जितमा लेवान्डोस्कीको ह्याट्रिक गोल
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
कोशी सुधार अभियान : बाहुनीको विद्यालयमा सरसफाइ तथा वृक्षारोपण
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
इटहरीकी भिमादेवी, जसले बलात्कार मुद्दामा फसाउने भन्दै ३० लाख असुलिन्
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
दसैंमा जुध्दै छन् तीन चलचित्र, कसले जित्ला दर्शकको मन ?
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
आज कोशीसहित केही प्रदेशमा पानी पर्ने सम्भावना
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
ला लिगा : रियल मड्रिडको अपराजित यात्रा कायमै, गर्‍यो बार्सिलोनासँग अंक बराबरी
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
नासरको जितमा माने र रोनाल्डोको गोल
आईतबार २० असोज, २०८१
प्रिमियर लिग : सिटीसँग आर्सनलको अंक बराबरी
शनिवार १९ असोज, २०८१
कोभासिस चम्किँदा सिटीको जित, हालान्डले सकेनन् गोल गर्न
शनिवार १९ असोज, २०८१
अस्पताल बसेरै बित्यो डाक्टरको कारागारको समय !
शुक्रबार ५ माघ, २०८०
विराटनगरमा हनी ट्रयापको बिगबिगी : एक जनाबाटै ठगिए २५ बढी पुरुष
आईतबार ४ चैत, २०८०
‘बुढेशकाल’ मा जन्मिएका जुम्ल्याहा सन्तान अस्ताए, आफू पनि ६ घण्टा मार्वल स्टोनले थिचिए
शुक्रबार ११ फाल्गुण, २०८०
रोकिराखेको सिटी सफारीमा ठोक्किँदा मोटरसाइकल चालकको मृत्यु, पक्राउ परे सिटी चालक
बुधबार २८ चैत, २०८०
सुन्दरहरैंचाबाट पाँच लाख रुपैयाँसहित समातिइन् लागुऔषध कारोबारी सुनिता राई
बिहिबार १ चैत, २०८०
विराटनगरको पोखरिया मावि एसइई नतिजामा देशभरकै सर्वोत्कृष्ट
मङ्गलबार १५ जेठ, २०८१
कानेपोखरी : अनुमतिबिना ढोका खोलेको भन्दै अध्यक्षले गरिन् कार्यालय सहयोगीलाई निलम्बन
बुधबार १७ माघ, २०८०
मोटरसाइकल दुर्घटनामा कर्मचारीको मृत्यु, विराटनगरमा बिहीबार बिदा
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले माग्यो करारमा कर्मचारी
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
चार सय करोडको लगानीमा विराट क्यान्सर इन्स्टिच्युट सञ्चालनमा
आईतबार २१ माघ, २०८०