These four conditions increases the risk of heart disease

शब्द एक्स्प्रेस संवाददाता
बिहिबार १२ जेठ, २०७९
३ वर्षअघि
heart disease

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.

Cardiovascular disease is estimated to have killed 17.9 million people in 2019, with 85 percent of the deaths due to heart attacks and strokes. Heart attacks and cardiac arrest are some of the common types of cardiovascular disease that can be serious and even life-threatening.

Cardiovascular disease causes blockage in the arteries which stops the flow of blood to the heart. Without blood, the heart cannot get enough oxygen, which can damage the heart muscle. Lately, even young people are at risk of heart attack, which is worrying.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), chest pain, discomfort, difficulty breathing, pain in the upper body, including one or both hands, back, neck, chin or abdomen, sweating, and heavy head are warning signs of a heart attack.

If such symptoms appear, it is advisable to contact the nearest hospital immediately. The risk of heart attack can be increased by various conditions. Some of them are as follows:

High blood pressure
In people with high blood pressure, the heart forces them to work harder to pump blood to the rest of the body, which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cardiac arrest. Blood pressure above 140/90 is considered high blood pressure. If the pressure goes above 180/120, it is considered serious. Since it comes with no symptoms, high blood pressure is often referred to as a silent killer.

Bad cholesterol in the blood causes plaque build-up in the arteries, which is dangerous for the heart. As the amount of bad cholesterol in the arteries increases, the blood vessels become narrower and blood flow to the heart, brain, kidneys and other parts of the body may decrease. As a result, the risk of heart attack increases.

High blood sugar levels or diabetes
High blood sugar can cause long-term narrowing and narrowing of the arteries. Even though blood sugar builds up in a person with diabetes, the body cannot use all the sugar present, so the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart are blocked and damaged. Which increases the risk of heart disease.

Problems with being overweight or obese can increase the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity raises bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as heart disease.

प्रकाशित समय: बिहिबार १२ जेठ, २०७९, २०:१८:५०
दुहबीमा कोशी प्रदेशस्तरीय तेस्रो मेयरकप ब्याडमिन्टन प्रतियोगिता हुँदै
बिहिबार २७ मङ्सिर, २०८१
साउदी अरबले २०३४ को विश्वकप आयोजना गर्ने
बिहिबार २७ मङ्सिर, २०८१
भुटानी शरणार्थीको माग : हामीलाई स्वदेश फिर्ता गरियोस्
बिहिबार २७ मङ्सिर, २०८१
पोखरासँग पराजित भयो विराटनगर किंग्स
बिहिबार २७ मङ्सिर, २०८१
दुर्गा प्रसाईंलाई पाँच वर्षभन्दा बढी कैद सजाय गर्न मागदाबी
बिहिबार २७ मङ्सिर, २०८१
टाउको दुखिरहने समस्याबाट मुक्त हुन यसो गर्नुहोस्
बिहिबार २७ मङ्सिर, २०८१
कोशीको खानेपानी, सिँचाइ तथा ऊर्जा मन्त्रालयमा जागिर खुल्यो, यसरी दिनुहोस् आवेदन
बुधबार २६ मङ्सिर, २०८१
कोशी प्रदेशका चार सांसदले कानुनविपरीत गरे भारत भ्रमण, थियो मुख्यमन्त्रीकै निर्देशन !
बुधबार २६ मङ्सिर, २०८१
डाक्टरले भर्ना हुनुपर्छ भन्दाभन्दै हिरासतमा फर्किए रवि लामिछाने
बुधबार २६ मङ्सिर, २०८१
घरेलु उद्योग महासंघ र प्रोटेक्टिभ माइक्रो इन्स्योरेन्सबीच लघु निर्जीवन बीमा सम्झौता
बुधबार २६ मङ्सिर, २०८१
अस्पताल बसेरै बित्यो डाक्टरको कारागारको समय !
शुक्रबार ५ माघ, २०८०
विराटनगरमा हनी ट्रयापको बिगबिगी : एक जनाबाटै ठगिए २५ बढी पुरुष
आईतबार ४ चैत, २०८०
‘बुढेशकाल’ मा जन्मिएका जुम्ल्याहा सन्तान अस्ताए, आफू पनि ६ घण्टा मार्वल स्टोनले थिचिए
शुक्रबार ११ फाल्गुण, २०८०
रोकिराखेको सिटी सफारीमा ठोक्किँदा मोटरसाइकल चालकको मृत्यु, पक्राउ परे सिटी चालक
बुधबार २८ चैत, २०८०
सुन्दरहरैंचाबाट पाँच लाख रुपैयाँसहित समातिइन् लागुऔषध कारोबारी सुनिता राई
बिहिबार १ चैत, २०८०
विराटनगरको पोखरिया मावि एसइई नतिजामा देशभरकै सर्वोत्कृष्ट
मङ्गलबार १५ जेठ, २०८१
कानेपोखरी : अनुमतिबिना ढोका खोलेको भन्दै अध्यक्षले गरिन् कार्यालय सहयोगीलाई निलम्बन
बुधबार १७ माघ, २०८०
मोटरसाइकल दुर्घटनामा कर्मचारीको मृत्यु, विराटनगरमा बिहीबार बिदा
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले माग्यो करारमा कर्मचारी
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
चार सय करोडको लगानीमा विराट क्यान्सर इन्स्टिच्युट सञ्चालनमा
आईतबार २१ माघ, २०८०