Canada vs Nepal: Nepal needs 81 runs in 120 balls

शब्द एक्स्प्रेस संवाददाता
सोमबार ९ फाल्गुण, २०७८
३ वर्षअघि
81 runs

In their last match of ICC T20 World Cup Global Qualifier, Canada has given a target of 81 runs to Nepal.

For Nepal, Kamal Singh Airee and Abinash Bohara took two wickets each while Kushal Malla got one.

Captain Sandeep Lamichhane was the top wicket taker with three wickets.

Dillon Heyliger scored the most runs for Canada. Facing 22 balls, he contributed 24 runs with the help of one four and two sixes.

In the match being played at Al Amerat Cricket Stadium, Nepal lost the toss and was invited to field first.

Nepal’s first success came through Kamal Singh Airee.

In the fifth ball of the first over of the game, Airee caught Matthew Sppors through Kushal Bhurtel.

Airee himself delivered the second success for Nepal.

In the third ball of the fourth over, Canada’s skipper Navneet Dhaliwal was returned to the pavilion for 18 runs.

In the second ball of the fifth over, Nepal got the third wicket.

Abinash Bohara forced Rayyan Pathan to leave the crease for 14 runs.

Pathan was run out by Kamal Singh Airee.

In the last ball of the same over, Ravinderpal Singh was caught out by wicketkeeper Ashif Sheikh and it was Bohara who gave Nepal its fourth victory.

In the last ball of the seventh over, Nepal captain Sandeep Lamichhane caught Hamza Tariq in lbw.

Facing five balls, Tariq managed to add only one run.

Dipendra Singh Airee gave Nepal its sixth success.

He came to bowl the eighth over of the game and took the wicket of Saad Bin Zafar.

He was run out by Kamal Singh Airee and wicketkeeper Ashif Sheikh jointly.

Kaleem was dismissed as Canada’s seventh wicket. He was caught out by captain Lamichhane through Kushal Malla.

Kushal Malla gave the eighth success to Nepal. He lured Harsh Thaker to the LBW.

Before being dismissed, Thaker faced four balls and added only two runs.

Junaid Siddiqui was returned to the pavilion by captain Lamichhane for the ninth wicket.

Siddiqui was caught by wicket keeper Ashif Sheikh and forced to leave the crease.

Against Nepal, Canada’s 7 batsmen could not score a double digit run.

Ravinderpal Singh, Hamza Tariq and Kaleem Sana returned to the pavilion with one run each.

Saad Bin Zafar, Hardh Thaker and Junaid Siddiqui scored two runs each.

Rayyan Pathan and Navneet Dhaliwal made 14 and 18 respectively before returning to the pavilion.

Dillon Heyliger and Salman Nazar, who came to bat at number ten, tried to handle Canada’s innings.

But after Abinash Bohara caught the Nazar for 10 runs, Canada was all out for just 80 runs.

If Nepal wins the match against Canada, it will be the winner of Group B of the Global Qualifiers and will play the runner-up of Group A in the semi-final against UAE.

Nepal is at the top of the table with four points from two games.

Following Nepal, Canada and Oman are in second and third place respectively.

Ireland who is at the top of sub-group B of group A of the global qualifiers and UAE, the second place holder are the first two countries to reach the semifinals.

प्रकाशित समय: सोमबार ९ फाल्गुण, २०७८, १७:२८:२२
प्रादेशिक आम सञ्चार विधेयक सहमति मै पारित हुन्छ : मुख्यमन्त्री कार्की
बुधबार ३० माघ, २०८१
किड्स भिलेजमा बालबालिकाको सर्वांगीण विकासका लागि चार दिने ‘स्पोर्ट्स मिट’
बुधबार ३० माघ, २०८१
दुई लाख रुपैयाँसम्म पुग्न सक्छ, सुनको भाउ !
बुधबार ३० माघ, २०८१
कपिलवस्तु अदालतका दुई कर्मचारी भ्रष्टाचारी ठहर !
मङ्गलबार २९ माघ, २०८१
मेयर बालेनको काम मात्र होइन, सिर्जना पनि ‘ट्रेन्डिङ’ मा (भिडियोसहित)
मङ्गलबार २९ माघ, २०८१
झापामा १० वर्षीया बालिका बलात्कृत, २१ वर्षका आचार्य समातिए
मङ्गलबार २९ माघ, २०८१
बराहक्षेत्रमा पिकअपको ठक्करबाट स्कुटर चालकको मृत्यु
मङ्गलबार २९ माघ, २०८१
ओभरटेक गर्दा कारले ठक्कर दियो सडक छेउमा बसिरहेको मानिसलाई, एक जना गम्भीर घाइते
मङ्गलबार २९ माघ, २०८१
खोटाङमा आरोप पुष्टि नभई प्रहरीले हत्कडी लगाएको भन्दै बलात्कारका आरोपित झुन्डिए !
सोमबार २८ माघ, २०८१
सार्वजनिक शौचालय बनाउन सुन्दरहरैंचा विराट एक्स्पो
सोमबार २८ माघ, २०८१
अस्पताल बसेरै बित्यो डाक्टरको कारागारको समय !
शुक्रबार ५ माघ, २०८०
विराटनगरमा हनी ट्रयापको बिगबिगी : एक जनाबाटै ठगिए २५ बढी पुरुष
आईतबार ४ चैत, २०८०
‘बुढेशकाल’ मा जन्मिएका जुम्ल्याहा सन्तान अस्ताए, आफू पनि ६ घण्टा मार्वल स्टोनले थिचिए
शुक्रबार ११ फाल्गुण, २०८०
रोकिराखेको सिटी सफारीमा ठोक्किँदा मोटरसाइकल चालकको मृत्यु, पक्राउ परे सिटी चालक
बुधबार २८ चैत, २०८०
सुन्दरहरैंचाबाट पाँच लाख रुपैयाँसहित समातिइन् लागुऔषध कारोबारी सुनिता राई
बिहिबार १ चैत, २०८०
विराटनगरको पोखरिया मावि एसइई नतिजामा देशभरकै सर्वोत्कृष्ट
मङ्गलबार १५ जेठ, २०८१
कानेपोखरी : अनुमतिबिना ढोका खोलेको भन्दै अध्यक्षले गरिन् कार्यालय सहयोगीलाई निलम्बन
बुधबार १७ माघ, २०८०
मोटरसाइकल दुर्घटनामा कर्मचारीको मृत्यु, विराटनगरमा बिहीबार बिदा
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले माग्यो करारमा कर्मचारी
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
चार सय करोडको लगानीमा विराट क्यान्सर इन्स्टिच्युट सञ्चालनमा
आईतबार २१ माघ, २०८०