Online driving license system closed until further notice

शब्द एक्स्प्रेस संवाददाता
मङ्गलबार १ चैत, २०७८
३ वर्षअघि
driving license

The online application system for driving license has been closed indefinitely.

The Department of Transport Management issued a notice yesterday (March 14) stating that it has stopped accepting new applications from today (March 15) until further notice.

According to Loknath Bhusal, director of the department, new applications have been stopped to expedite the processing of applications received so far.

“The online application system for driver’s licenses has been closed until further notice, as the processing of online applications has to be completed as soon as possible” a statement from the department said, “We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

New drivers have been hit even harder as the process of applying for a new license has been postponed.

Earlier, the applicants had been complaining that they could not fill up the application due to ‘system down’, resulted by high flow of applicants in the department’s online registration system.

For the first time, the department had stopped applying for a new driver’s license in April 2020, citing the Corona epidemic.

The applicants were excited after the department introduced the arrangement of filling up as many forms as possible to provide ‘visit date’.

However, the department had stopped the application in April 2021, citing the problem of the second wave of corona epidemic.

The system, which has been running since October 2021, has been postponed again from today.

The department has stated that the number of applicants applying for the ‘visit date’ has been high and its management has been given priority.

However, despite the large number of applicants, the department and its offices in different states have not been able to manage it properly.

Licensing offices are not able to conduct the examination on time.

प्रकाशित समय: मङ्गलबार १ चैत, २०७८, १०:५४:५१
खेलकुद महासंघ मोरङ अध्यक्षमा राय, उपाध्यक्ष बने रिक्की
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
कोशीका पूर्वमुख्यमन्त्री थापा झापामा कुटिए, देब्रे आँखामाथि चोट
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
भीम रावललाई गृहजिल्लामा बाजाजागासहित स्वागत
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
किएभमा रुसी आक्रमण, चार जनाको मृत्यु
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
१६ लाख किशोरीलाई क्यान्सरविरुद्धको खोप लगाइँदै
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
इरानमा सर्वोच्च अदालतका दुई न्यायाधीशको गोली हानी हत्या
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
प्रचण्डको दाबी- अबको निर्वाचनमा माओवादी पहिलो दल बन्छ
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
यू-१९ महिला टी२० विश्‍वकपको पहिलो खेलमा नेपाल पराजित
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
बसको ठक्करबाट पैदलयात्रीको मृत्यु
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
इनरुवामा निःशुल्क स्वास्थ्य शिविर, २४० जना लाभान्वित
शनिवार ५ माघ, २०८१
अस्पताल बसेरै बित्यो डाक्टरको कारागारको समय !
शुक्रबार ५ माघ, २०८०
विराटनगरमा हनी ट्रयापको बिगबिगी : एक जनाबाटै ठगिए २५ बढी पुरुष
आईतबार ४ चैत, २०८०
‘बुढेशकाल’ मा जन्मिएका जुम्ल्याहा सन्तान अस्ताए, आफू पनि ६ घण्टा मार्वल स्टोनले थिचिए
शुक्रबार ११ फाल्गुण, २०८०
रोकिराखेको सिटी सफारीमा ठोक्किँदा मोटरसाइकल चालकको मृत्यु, पक्राउ परे सिटी चालक
बुधबार २८ चैत, २०८०
सुन्दरहरैंचाबाट पाँच लाख रुपैयाँसहित समातिइन् लागुऔषध कारोबारी सुनिता राई
बिहिबार १ चैत, २०८०
विराटनगरको पोखरिया मावि एसइई नतिजामा देशभरकै सर्वोत्कृष्ट
मङ्गलबार १५ जेठ, २०८१
कानेपोखरी : अनुमतिबिना ढोका खोलेको भन्दै अध्यक्षले गरिन् कार्यालय सहयोगीलाई निलम्बन
बुधबार १७ माघ, २०८०
मोटरसाइकल दुर्घटनामा कर्मचारीको मृत्यु, विराटनगरमा बिहीबार बिदा
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले माग्यो करारमा कर्मचारी
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
चार सय करोडको लगानीमा विराट क्यान्सर इन्स्टिच्युट सञ्चालनमा
आईतबार २१ माघ, २०८०