What is Hemorrhoids? with Dr. Rabindra Tamang

Dr. Rabindra Tamang
आईतबार २३ माघ, २०७८
२ वर्षअघि

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus.

Hemorrhoids are also called piles. Hemorrhoids are one of the most common causes of rectal bleeding.

Sometimes, the walls of these blood vessels stretch so thin that the veins bulge and get irritated, especially when you poop.

Internal hemorrhoids are so far inside your rectum that you can’t usually see or feel them.

They don’t generally hurt because you have few pain-sensing nerves there.

They often go away on their own. But treatments can also help.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids include:

– Blood on your poop, on toilet paper, after you wipe, or in the toilet bowl.

– Tissue that bulges outside your anal opening (prolapse). This may hurt, often when you poop.

– You might be able to see prolapsed hemorrhoids as moist bumps that are pinker than the surrounding area.

These usually go back inside on their own. Even if they don’t, they can often be gently pushed back into place.

External hemorrhoids are under the skin around your anus, where there are many more pain-sensing nerves.

Pain, Bleeding, Itching, Swelling are the symptoms of external hemorrhoids include: A blood clot can turn an external hemorrhoid purple or blue.

This is called a thrombosis or a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Severe pain, Itching, and Bleeding are some of the symptoms you may notice.

You may be more likely to get hemorrhoids if other family members, like your parents, had them.

Pressure building up in your lower rectum can affect blood flow and make the veins there swell.

That may happen from:

– Pushing during bowel movements.

– Straining when you do something that’s physically hard, like lifting something heavy.

– Extra weight, like obesity.

– Pregnancy.

– A diet low in fiber.

– Anal sex.

– People who stand or sit for long periods are at greater risk, too.

You may get them when you have constipation or diarrhea that doesn’t clear up. Coughing, sneezing, and vomiting could make them worse.

Hemorrhoid symptoms usually go away on their own. Your doctor’s treatment plan will depend on how severe your symptoms are.

Simple lifestyle changes can often relieve mild hemorrhoid symptoms within two to seven days.

Add fiber to the diet with over-the-counter supplements and foods like fruit, vegetables, and grains.

Try not to strain during bowel movements; drinking more water can make it easier to go.

Warm sitz baths for 20 minutes several times a day can make feel better. Ice packs can ease pain and swelling.

Nonsurgical treatments: Over-the-counter creams and other medications ease pain, swelling, and itching.

Surgical treatments: If you have large hemorrhoids, or if other treatments haven’t helped, you might need surgery.

Your doctor can use chemicals, lasers, infrared light, or tiny rubber bands to get rid of them.

If they’re especially large or keep coming back, your doctor might need to remove them with a sharp tool called a scalpel.

Dr. Rabindra Tamang
Dr. Rabindra Tamang is a Consultant General & Laparoscopic Surgeon

प्रकाशित समय: आईतबार २३ माघ, २०७८, १५:५८:२५
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बुधबार १२ ब‌ैशाख, २०८१
रतुवामाई नगरपालिकाले राहत सामग्री बगरमा गाडेको विषयमा सांसद उप्रेतीको चासो
बुधबार १२ ब‌ैशाख, २०८१
अस्पताल बसेरै बित्यो डाक्टरको कारागारको समय !
शुक्रबार ५ माघ, २०८०
विराटनगरमा हनी ट्रयापको बिगबिगी : एक जनाबाटै ठगिए २५ बढी पुरुष
आईतबार ४ चैत, २०८०
‘बुढेशकाल’ मा जन्मिएका जुम्ल्याहा सन्तान अस्ताए, आफू पनि ६ घण्टा मार्वल स्टोनले थिचिए
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बुधबार २८ चैत, २०८०
सुन्दरहरैंचाबाट पाँच लाख रुपैयाँसहित समातिइन् लागुऔषध कारोबारी सुनिता राई
बिहिबार १ चैत, २०८०
कानेपोखरी : अनुमतिबिना ढोका खोलेको भन्दै अध्यक्षले गरिन् कार्यालय सहयोगीलाई निलम्बन
बुधबार १७ माघ, २०८०
मोटरसाइकल दुर्घटनामा कर्मचारीको मृत्यु, विराटनगरमा बिहीबार बिदा
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
स्वास्थ्य मन्त्रालयले माग्यो करारमा कर्मचारी
बुधबार २४ माघ, २०८०
चार सय करोडको लगानीमा विराट क्यान्सर इन्स्टिच्युट सञ्चालनमा
आईतबार २१ माघ, २०८०
बुबाको मृत्युपछि आमाको गर्जो धान्दै थिइन् सम्झना, सडक दुर्घटनामा गयो उनकै ज्यान
बिहिबार १७ फाल्गुण, २०८०